

What’s the solution?

Let Streamline handle the details

Streamline optimizes your workflow from start to finish. It gathers information, generates reports, automates tasks, and delivers results—all in one seamless system.

Maximize efficiency

Skip the manual tasks and complex setups. With Streamline, you can focus on what matters most while the system handles the rest.

Optimize resources

Don’t overspend on unnecessary tools or teams. Keep your operations lean and efficient by automating your workflows with Streamline.

Simplify operations

Say goodbye to managing multiple platforms. Streamline takes care of all the heavy lifting, ensuring consistent results with minimal hassle.

import { DollarSign, KeyRound, Timer } from 'lucide-react';

const Feature89 = () => {
  return (
    <section className="overflow-hidden py-32">
      <div className="container relative">
        <div className="pointer-events-none absolute inset-0 -top-20 -z-10 mx-auto hidden size-[500px] bg-[radial-gradient(hsl(var(--muted-foreground))_1px,transparent_1px)] opacity-25 [background-size:6px_6px] [mask-image:radial-gradient(circle_at_center,white_250px,transparent_250px)] lg:block"></div>
        <div className="relative flex justify-between gap-16">
          <div className="pointer-events-none absolute inset-0 hidden bg-gradient-to-t from-background via-transparent to-transparent lg:block"></div>

          <div className="w-full max-w-96 shrink-0 justify-between">
            <p className="font-mono text-xs text-muted-foreground">
              What’s the solution?
            <h2 className="mb-3 mt-6 text-3xl font-medium lg:text-4xl">
              Let Streamline handle the details
            <p className="text-sm text-muted-foreground">
              Streamline optimizes your workflow from start to finish. It
              gathers information, generates reports, automates tasks, and
              delivers results—all in one seamless system.
          <div className="hidden w-full max-w-3xl shrink-0 lg:block">
              className="max-h-[450px] w-full min-w-[450px] max-w-3xl rounded-lg border object-cover"
        <div className="relative mt-8 grid md:grid-cols-3">
          <div className="flex flex-col gap-y-6 px-2 py-10 md:p-6 lg:p-8">
            <Timer />
              <h3 className="text-lg font-medium">Maximize efficiency</h3>
              <p className="mt-1 text-sm text-muted-foreground">
                Skip the manual tasks and complex setups. With Streamline, you
                can focus on what matters most while the system handles the
          <div className="flex flex-col gap-y-6 px-2 py-10 md:p-6 lg:p-8">
            <DollarSign />
              <h3 className="text-lg font-medium">Optimize resources</h3>
              <p className="mt-1 text-sm text-muted-foreground">
                Don’t overspend on unnecessary tools or teams. Keep your
                operations lean and efficient by automating your workflows with
          <div className="flex flex-col gap-y-6 px-2 py-10 md:p-6 lg:p-8">
            <KeyRound />
              <h3 className="text-lg font-medium">Simplify operations</h3>
              <p className="mt-1 text-sm text-muted-foreground">
                Say goodbye to managing multiple platforms. Streamline takes
                care of all the heavy lifting, ensuring consistent results with
                minimal hassle.
          <div className="absolute -inset-x-4 top-0 h-px bg-input md:hidden"></div>
          <div className="absolute -inset-x-4 top-[-0.5px] row-start-2 h-px bg-input md:hidden"></div>
          <div className="absolute -inset-x-4 top-[-0.5px] row-start-3 h-px bg-input md:hidden"></div>
          <div className="absolute -inset-x-4 bottom-0 row-start-4 h-px bg-input md:hidden"></div>
          <div className="absolute -left-2 -top-2 bottom-0 w-px bg-input md:hidden"></div>
          <div className="absolute -right-2 -top-2 bottom-0 col-start-2 w-px bg-input md:hidden"></div>
          <div className="absolute -inset-x-2 top-0 hidden h-px bg-input md:block"></div>
          <div className="absolute -top-2 bottom-0 left-0 hidden w-px bg-input md:block"></div>
          <div className="absolute -left-[0.5px] -top-2 bottom-0 col-start-2 hidden w-px bg-input md:block"></div>
          <div className="absolute -left-[0.5px] -top-2 bottom-0 col-start-3 hidden w-px bg-input md:block"></div>
          <div className="absolute -top-2 bottom-0 right-0 hidden w-px bg-input md:block"></div>

export default Feature89;